Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This picture was snapped after church the other day. We attend Hope Community Church in Andover, KS and you are all welcome to join us anytime! But if you are coming please let us know so we can be at the same service with you.

I'm on my first day of chemo and the steroids are doing there thing - I can't sleep so I am trying to figure out how to post pictures, set up distribution lists, well, you get the idea. Its going to be a short night I think.

Stay tuned and thanks for your comments - Gary


  1. It's good to keep up with hoe you are doing Gary. I spoke to Dick Wilson the other day at the Wellington Fall Festival - I hadn't seen him in quite a while. I look forward to running into you one of these days too. Hang in there we've got the prayers headed your way. Take Care, Roger Emley

  2. Love this picture of you and mom!

    Thinking of you,


  3. Hi Gary.
    Cheered me up to see the latest photo of you and daughter ( lol). She’s looking great, ok so are you. Very happy to read from your medical reports how well you are progressing. Although not really surprised knowing how much of a ‘fighter’ you are. May get knocked down in life but you always got straight back. This may take a bit longer but I know you’ll get there.
    Now I know about this blog I’ll keep updated, but I am expecting more things on here, animation, music, videos, links etc so keep busy.

    I’ve been on the road around the States for the last few weeks with some Scottish colleagues so next time we meet I have some tales to tell you. ( just got to get out of the rehab first).

    All the best big fella, keep up the good work.

    Mike – UK / Seattle./ wherever.

  4. Hey Gary;

    Hope this catches you on the upside. Things are ratehr quiet right now with Debbie in Garden City and Bekah at work. I was just thinking of you and I will keep praying for you and God's will be done. Have faith, have hope and if you want, have a beer.

    Joe R.

  5. Hi Gary,

    Just wondering how you are doing. I got an email on Facebook from Becky Sumner and we are concerned about your progess. Praying for you and your family. I know distance makes it difficult to offer much help, but please let me know if there is anything we can do.

    In my thoughts and prayers,

  6. Gary - got the word in an email the other day and been checking some of your posts. Glad to hear positive reports. I'm just east of you as it turns out - outside the big metropolus of Cherokee. Good luck. FYI - I've been seeing a Doc in KC (M.D./Naturopath) who augments treatments for cancer patients. If interested, I can pass her contact info on.

    Bill Sipp
