Tuesday, February 16, 2010

7 1/2 months and I feel FIESTY!

I can't believe it. I am sitting in the Wellkington hospital waiting for my chemo musing about my health. I almost bounced in this morning - after working hard yesterday. We were in Elbing and had numerous trips up and down the stairs, loaded the pickup a couple of times, even helped my son load a grill in the back of the truck. On top of that I met with 2 contractors and made a couple of trips to Newton (isn't it great to have both breakfast and lunch out!).

I have been watching my energy this last week and it is best yet this last week. The stamina is getting better (what is the difference between stamina and endurance?). I am using muscles that have been dormant - pulling nails out of trim yesterday was a measure of physical work I haven't seen for quite a while. Now if I could just get rid of the numbness in my hands and feet....

I am determined to power my way through the chemo this week. We'll see who wins -the poison or me....

We had lots of visits from friends last week - what a treasure to reconnect! And naturally the conversation turns to food - great places to eat out and enjoy fellowship.

We'll - all for now. This is my last treatment in Wellington. Next time I'll be up in Newton. We should be moving in the next month. Thankfully we are making good progress on the remodel and addition at the Elbing place. By the way - the fescue is greening up and we will be mowing before long!


  1. Im looking forward to coming home and seeing all the renovations! We'll have to grill or something and celebrate everyone being in Elbing again!


  2. Hang in there Gary. this is great news. Will continue to pray for you. Think mine be in remission also. Have a great day.
    Betty Moss
