Monday, August 24, 2009

Chemo Day 1: Monday, July 13, 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

I am writing this to you from the Cancer Center in Wellington. We are getting Gary’s first round of chemotherapy today. It’s scary since we do not know what to expect with how he will feel afterwards, but we are thankful to start treatment. The nurses have been friendly and informative, but the treatments they are pumping into Gary’s body, and the potential side effects are crazy!

We have had a lot of wonderful visits from our friends this past week. Some highlights were the Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) local leaders coming over last Thursday and Gary and Sandy’s Pastors and Home Group Bible study at their church coming over on Sunday.. There were about 25 people at our house for lunch, a worship time, and a time for prayer over Gary. This meant a lot to the family and we thank you!

We have also had a number of individuals come, and we can’t believe the wonderful support we have had from you all. A special thanks to Tony and his family coming all the way from Texas to visit Gary!

We have been trying to make sure that Gary is getting the nutrients that he needs. The Doctors told us that at this point, the most important thing we can do is get food down him, any food…. So whatever Gary has a taste for we try to oblige. This includes such wonderful meals as pork & beans and Mac & Cheese!

I (Leah) have been down in KS since Saturday, and it has been wonderful being able to be here with my mom and dad. I just want to mention a few prayer requests to you now that he has started Chemo:

1.Please pray that the potential side effects the nurses warned us of would not be severe. This has the potential to make Gary very sick, but it does not affect everyone the same way.

2.The chemo will affect Gary’s immune system, so he needs to stay away from germs. Pray that he wouldn’t get any bugs that could cause problems.

3.Continued prayer for Gary, Sandy, and the family for strength during this time.

Romans 12:12 says “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” We are striving for these things and we ask them for you as well.
Thank you dear friends,
Leah, Gary, and Sandy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 - 06:39 AM


We continue to stand with you in prayer as start this treatment. You are all much in our thoughts and prayers.

Love Janice and Paul

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 - 07:42 AM

Andrew & Dawn Sanford

Gary, Sandy and Leah, Yo9u are in the front of my mind all day long and I am praying for you. We have made this blog our home page so EVERY TIME we log on to the internet Gary you are the first thing that we see. It is a constant reminder to pray for you and your family to have strength and to be uplifted in Christ's name. I pray that God will give you peace about the future and a joy for everyday.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 02:08 PM

Paul Lister

Hi Gary,

I think we all know that no words are good enough when we are faced by this situation. It's also easy to say that it hasn't taken God by surprise and he only has his best for you. This is of course true but when you're facing the situation it has to be difficult to hang on to this truth.

So I just wanted you and Sandy and the family to know how much you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Also that we have also made it a matter of prayer at our Church.

I'm sorry that we're so far away. I'd love to just be able to come by and say hi. But as much as we can from 1000's of miles away we feel a bond and a deep love and concern for you and Sandy in the days ahead.

God bless you both

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 04:00 PM

Kenny Allen

Gary & Sandy & family...

Praying the Psalms 5:3 prayer: "Morning by morning, O Lord, You hear my voice. Morning by morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in anticipation." Praying and anticipating the wonderous love of God in Christ expressed in your life...

Pressing on,


Friday, July 17, 2009 - 06:45 PM

Danielle Peeples

Hey Leah, Uncle Gary and Aunt Sandy. I just want you to know that I am praying for you all and will continue until you are well. I appreciate everything you have ever done for me and I want you to know that I love you all. We are all thinking of you everyday and are hoping you will be healed soon. Keep praying, because there is strength in numbers When you come to him in two or more, your prayers shall be answered

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